
1973 Mustang Convertible 351 Cleveland,external oil line, DUI Davis Unified --Redemption

Nacnudmas • May 5, 2015 7:30 pm
There IS redemption for the 1973 Mustang/351 Cleveland...ported 2V heads (no ping, plenty of power!), flat top Pistons, DUI Davis Unified (set up just right in Memphis--note 14" breather sets on 1-1/2" spacer and base was trimmed in V shape to fit over corner of DUI--also intake hose trimmed by 1.5" to fit under DUI), Patriot 3" headers to 2.5" exhaust with turbo mufflers, Comp 262xhe, Scorpion rollers, Quick Fuel 680 HR vac sec carb (76 primaries-50cc acc pump-set up too light from Kentucky), Edelbrock Air Gap (love it), AC 25r plugs gapped 50, stock oil pump with Lifter Bore Bushing kit and Cam restrictor kit and 3/8" External Oil line (pic shows it crossing drvrs side valve cover--because first time out spun a bearing on stronger spring with no oil mods...), 160degree thermostat and 10w40 keeps oil pressure at 28lbs at 800 idle at 165deg, 3L25, 500 miles and it is a true Beast on the open road. THERE IS NOTHING ON THE STREET THAT BEATS THE SOUND OF A WIDE-OPEN CLEVELAND.
1973 Mustang Convertible, 351 Cleveland, DUI, Davis Unified Distributor, Ford


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