All Posts by bigbadben

try the company "flaming river" they stock lots of steering stuff
what year is your mustang?
I have a 1965 mustang with a 351 windsor. My carburetor is a 650 cfm holley. Whenever i gun it when im driving the carburetor backfires like none other. I ve replaced the power valve, treid plugging it, etc...but it still keeps on backfiring right out of the carburetor. any ideas on how to solve the problem....also if i were to get a new carb..any reccomendations on what brand or size for a 351w? also one more thing i have a huge power steering leek coming down inbetween my oilpan and the transmission..i think...and i cant find out where its coming from or how to get it..oh yah and the steering fluid leaks right onto my rack and pinion. i have no clue where it scoming from.....I NEED HELP FAST...thanks everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have a 1965 mustang with a 351 windsor. My carburetor is a 650 cfm holley. Whenever i gun it when im driving the carburetor backfires like none other. I ve replaced the power valve, treid plugging it, etc...but it still keeps on backfiring right out of the carburetor. any ideas on how to solve the problem....also if i were to get a new carb..any reccomendations on what brand or size for a 351w? also one more thing i have a huge power steering leek coming down inbetween my oilpan and the transmission..i think...and i cant find out where its coming from or how to get it..oh yah and the steering fluid leaks right onto my rack and pinion. i have no clue where it scoming from.....I NEED HELP FAST...thanks everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have a 1965 mustang with a 351 windsor. My carburetor is a 650 cfm holley. Whenever i gun it when im driving the carburetor backfires like none other. I ve replaced the power valve, treid plugging it, etc...but it still keeps on backfiring right out of the carburetor. any ideas on how to solve the problem....also if i were to get a new carb..any reccomendations on what brand or size for a 351w? also one more thing i have a huge power steering leek coming down inbetween my oilpan and the transmission..i think...and i cant find out where its coming from or how to get it..oh yah and the steering fluid leaks right onto my rack and pinion. i have no clue where it scoming from.....I NEED HELP FAST...thanks everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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