Accellerator sticking

Hi All I am new to the forums, I have a 2004 cobra
I have had the accellorator pedal get stuck under the carpet and hang open on me 2x. (this is when I have the pedal all the way down) I was wondering if anyone else has had similar issues.
Hi cobragrl, I have a 2004 Cobra that did the same thing. Pretty scarey.
I fixed it by cutting away some carpet with an exacto knife. My wifes 2004 GT never had the problem though. I thought that odd.
I have sent a complaint to the NHTSA and I have become the "guinea pig" for a recall. last week engineers from Ford came out to my dealer and replaced my carpet. They took all kinds of vidieo and pictures, they did tons of measuremnets and took my old carpet back to Ford for research.
So hopefully you too will have yours replaced soon.
I was the one who posted the complaint on nhtsa website, I didn't realize that i wasn't logged in. LOL
I got this advise to post the complaint from other forums. Anyone who has had this happen shouls submit a complaint.

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