Need some posts in here, so.......

here is a funny clip.
Ouch! surprised That has to suck.
did you notice that it was a girl driving?
Typical woman driver. Just kidding. Yeah that would totally suck. The funny thing is, if I spent a bunch of money on a car that was fast and was designed for racing, I would be afraid to race it for that exact reason. Maybe if I had two smile
i don't get it. what is funny about it?
I have a v6 mustang and I am looking for parts. Please let me know if you know of anywhere I can find them. I want performance.
This should probably have been posted in the classifieds section:
"mustang2000" wrote:
I have a v6 mustang and I am looking for parts. Please let me know if you know of anywhere I can find them. I want performance.

Steve N. Mustangs - Site Owner
It is really fun and hilarious.
Really funny. Thank you
"andreausa" wrote:
Really funny. Thank you

Are you saying you actually viewed that video and thought it was funny? That seems unlikely since the link has been dead for years. Looks like a spam post to me.

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