need help with emissions control system

« Thread started on: July 23 2003 at 6:49 PM»

It runs but when it idles down it wants to die. What do i do to correct this problem? I need help with straitening out the vacuum system. Please E-mail me at
I am in the Lakeland, Fl. area.
« Reply #1 on: Aug 23rd, 2003, 01:11am »
Did you alter the exhaust system? I had a 94 that did the same thing after I cut out the cats and added a X-pipe with flomastes. Because I did a lot of city driving the O2 sensor loaded up, I took it out on the freeway and opened it up and left a black cloud behind me. After that the car ran fine. Besides the fuel filter and the intake sensor the only other problem may be the sensors on your exhaust system. My car at a idle would start to die out then rev up until it got so bad that it would stall out at traffic lights.
« Reply #2 on: Oct 3rd, 2003, 06:54am »
it sounds like your throttle body is dirty, and either your o2 sensors are shot, or your cats are plugged all three are fairly common with stangs.

hope it helps.

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